Gurudeva’s Will
On May 4th 1926 (Madam 20th 1101 ) Sree Narayana Guru staying in the village of Varkala, Sivagiri mutt writing his will.
This will is to be executed with the intention of passing the title and right of all the Temples, Charitable institutions, industrial concerns, Ashrams and mutts including movable and immovable properties which are owned and enjoyed by us are transferred to our disciple Bodhanandan, inmate of Sivagiri mutt, Who was consecrated as our succession on the 27th September (Kanni 11) of this year in the head quarters of all institutions i.e. Sivagiri mutt.
The free enjoyment and possession of all these movable and immovable properties including all the said institutions will be vested in us until the end of our life and this deed will be come into force only after my demise and we have full power to alter/make amendment to this deed.


After the end of Bodanandhan the right of succession shall be passed to the Sanyasin, who will be selected by the majority of Sanyasin’s from among the chain of our disciples and this right shall pass on through the succeeding chain of our disciples and the right of succession shall pass on through the succeeding chain of our disciples. 
No hindrance shall be caused to the pious objectives or the treatment of existence of the said institutions by the administration of the Sanyasins here by engaged and if any disorder is foreseen then the disciples shall have full right to exercise control properly.
Signed by Sree Narayana Guru
The will was registered in the presence of Gurudevan and was signed by eleven sanyasins of Dharma Sangham.