At that time great Sanscrit Scholar Kummanpalli Ramanpillaiasan was running a teaching center in Puthuppally, Central Travancore very near to Varanappalli Family. Nanoo joined with Ramanpillai Asan and learned Sanscrit. Within a short period Nanoo prominent among the co-students, Asan loved Nanoo’s dedication and wondering the level of knowledge, Nanoo become the favorite student of Asan. Varanappalli Kochukrishna panickar was a great lover of literature and he allowed students to stay his home at free of cost and arrange all facilities to students to learn Sanskrit. At that time Nanoo re-wrote the story of Gajendramoksham in the form of Ammanappattu that was the Nanoo’s first main literacy effort. Kumaraasan’s uncompleted biography of Sree Narayana Guru stated that within two years ‘Swamy’  had earned proficiency in Kavya, Nataka, Alankaram etc.
Guru devan discontinued his studies because he was badly affected ulcer and returned to home .